Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Blog Post #10

 AI and Machine Learning Takeaways

Positive aspects of more complex artificial intelligence and machine learning can improve accuracy and efficiency. Ai and machine learning models are becoming more complex. As they continue to do so, they can better identify things and make more accurate predictions. AI models can analyze large amounts of information and make more informed decisions. Which I view as a good and bad thing. In the video, they talked about how AI can learn routines. This can be used in many different fields such as medicine, where AI can help doctors to make decisions towards patients like diagnoses and treatment plans. I think when it is used like this, it is a good thing and think it is very beneficial. 

AI can increase security by helping to identify and prevent security breaches, which can help protect personal data. Although this is important there are also privacy concerns. AS AI and machine learning models become more complex, they require more data to be effective. By AI knowing this data, it can lead to concerns about the privacy of personal data. In the video, Alastair Mactaggart talked about privacy in the paper and how he realized how much people could find out about him, especially the amount of private information.

Regarding national security, AI and machine learning can help to come up with tasks and help to improve decision making, which can lead to increased efficiency in national security operations. Although, AI can be vulnerable to cyber attacks, which can compromise national security. In the video they talked about how it can affect political leverage and how China uses surveillance systems. They explained how dangerous this can end up being and how the world could split into two sides, "China's tech and Americas tech". I think due to all of this our world is not moving toward a good place. 

Regarding online security and identity theft, AI can help prevent security breaches and protect personal data. Although, there is sometimes a lack of transparency causing AI to be difficult to understand, which can lead to concerns about accountability and transparency in online security operations. In the video Soshana Zuboff talked about how "we think we are searching google, but google is searching us.". Even things like social media are taking so much data and personal information from us. I view this as a very scary and overstepping to much into our privacy. 

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