Friday, April 14, 2023


EOTO Reaction 

Throughout listening to the presentations I learned a lot. In the first presentation they started off talking about emojis. I learned that they have been a thing since the 1800’s which really surprised me because I thought they only became a thing since the iPhone came out. He talked about how emojis could be their own language which I found very interesting. 

The next thing the first presentation talked about was the internet and how the first one was called Arpanget in 1969.
They then moved on to talk about twitter and I learned how they invented gif. They explained the pros and cons of twitter. It is a great platform to get breaking news and information but can greatly affect one's mental health due to how much cyber bullying goes on.

I also learned a lot about video game history. He talked about the first few games and how the gaming industry crashed which I was never aware of happening. I know how bad the violence in gaming can be but I learned that there was a hearing about it. I learned how gaming spread to social media like angry birds. I found out that Sony makes Playstation 4 and Microsoft released Xbox one in 2013 which is very interesting because I hear a lot about both of these. 

Lastly, from this presentation I learned a lot about the disc phonograph. It was invented by Emil Berliner in 1887. It was an innovation of Thomas Edison's cylinders model which was invented in 1887. They explained how you can play it in different places, brought physical media into homes, and there was a cheap duplicate without losing sound quality. Although there are those great things, it was outmatched by the radio by the public, was expensive when it came out to market, and only compatible with Edison disc. 

In the second presentation they started talking about FaceBook. It was founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerburg. I learned that it was originally made for Harvard students and became public in 2012. It is great for real time communication with friends and family but there are a lot of concerns with privacy and data security. 

They also talked about the radio and how it was invented by Gugliemo Marconi in 1901. He won a nobel prize for it and it is still used a lot today. It impacted the world for communication and is a great form of entertainment.

Next, they spoke about the invention of the pencil. Nicholas Jacques Conte invented the modern pencil in 1795. The word pencil comes from the latin word for tail. I also learned how the first pencil company was called banks son and co. The pencil created better and cheaper alternatives for writing and changed the way people communicate. I thought it was interesting how before erasers, people would break up bread crumbs to erase pencil marks. Although the pencil created a lot of positive outcomes, it has a negative environmental impact. It causes many trees to be cut down every year in order to make them. 

The next presentation started off by talking about the telegraph. It was created by William Crooke and Charles Wheatstone. They used 5 magnetic needles. It was used towards British railroad signaling. Samuel Morse, Leonard Gale, and Alfred Vail created the single circuit which was the most famous telegraph and used for morse code. This helped create faster communication. The telephone, radio, television, and internet replaced this.  
They then talked about cassette tapes. They were invented in 1962 in Hasselt, Belgium. This was intended to be invented for recording audio. The first model could record for 60 minutes, 30 each side. They explained how sometimes it would mess up and not record everything. 

They then explained how Netflix was founded in 1997 and was originally branded as a DVD rental service. It has more than 220 million global streaming memberships and is the most nominated studio at the Emmys and the Academy Awards.

Lastly, this group talked about Apple's first iPod. It was invented on October 23 of 2001 by Steve Jobs. It could play 1000 songs and held 5gb of storage. I learned that Apple made about $264 million in revenue from the iPod and Apple just discontinued it in May of 2022.

Finally, the last group started off by talking about the television. I learned about how the first television was demonstrated in San Francisco on September 7th of 1927 by the inventor Taylor Farnsworth. In 1947 the television was placed in homes numbered in the thousands. 50 million dollars was invested in the development of the electronic television before 1939 which I found very interesting. 

They also talked about the telephone. They explained how it paved the way for the internet and cellular phone. 

They moved on to talk about the smartphone. They explained how prior to the iPhone, in 2007, there were various types of smartphones before it. Mobile phones were used for making calls and sending text messages but it was clear that phones could do more. The iPhone changed everything and was first launched on June 29th of 2007. It was the first smartphone to have a large, high resolution touch screen. Although it was a great invention it had multiple negative effects. For example, addiction, privacy concerns, could be hard to fall asleep when next to you, cyber bullying, etc.

Lastly, they spoke about the first personal computer. I learned how in 1977 the PC (personal computer) industry was started. PC’s have evolved a lot and are now used for a lot of various things. Along with all these great things, the PC did have negative effects. Some of these being, how the price has gone up over the years, it has caused people eyestrain from the screen (due to blue light), it has caused a decrease in physical activity, and an increase in cyberbullying.

Overall, all of these presentations were very captivating and I learned a lot. I found it very cool how I knew of everything being presented beforehand and still learned something new about each topic. I was very engaged in every presentation and I think everyone did an outstanding job at explaining the information on their topic.

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