Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Invasion of Privacy Ted Talks

It is currently a huge struggle to keep our online privacy through the internet and digital technology. It is very well known now how difficult it tends to be to maintain this privacy. These TED Talks highlight how difficult it is in today's world to maintain privacy within the digital world and the possible outcomes.

In the first Ted Talk, "Your Online Life Permanent as a Tattoo", researcher Juan Enriquez talked a lot about the permanence of our digital footprint and the potential consequences of this data. He expressed how all of this data that is taken is being used against us. Juan believes that governments and corporations should be held accountable for this. The next Ted Tok,  "The Small and Surprisingly Dangerous Detail the Police Track About You", Catherine Crump expresses how with even insignificant data, anything can be useful, especially for police. She talked about how dangerous this can be. This can be very dangerous and we need stronger privacy regulations. In the third Ted Talk, "How to Avoid Surveillance with the Phone in Your Pocket", Christopher Soghoian talked about our data being used by third parties. He gave solutions to this by explaining the importance of using privacy-enhancing tools. Lastly, in the Ted Talk,  "How Revenge Porn Turns Lives Upside Down", Darieth Chisolm talks about being a victim of revenge porn and how it impacted her life. She talks a lot about how she wants to help other victims and argues how our civil rights are at stake. 

The issues discussed in any of these Ted Talks could easily happen to anyone. It is very difficult to avoid some of these things. For example, my instagram has been hacked and my phone number has been sold causing me to get random calls and texts. It is very important to be cautious of what we post. I know two people that were refused jobs because of things they have posted on social media.  

I believe the government should be doing a lot more to help protect people from as much of this as possible. There should be more rules set in place to help avoid these situations. People need to be taken accountable and punished for doing this to people. The government can only do so much and it is also our job to be cautious with what we are doing. Making your accounts private and only posting things you know would not get you in trouble is also very important. Making sure you change your passwords frequently is also a smart idea. Informing people on what is going on and how to prevent this is also an important step to help resolve these issues. 

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