Tuesday, March 21, 2023

The Supreme Court


Throughout reading the article, "Supreme Court", I learned a lot more about the Supreme Court that I did not know before. I had a good understanding of the Supreme Court and what it is but this article helped me to get an even better understanding of it and learn things I did not know before. 

The Supreme Court of the United States is the head of the Judicial branch in the U.S. government and is also known as SCOTUS. I also have already known that they have the responsibility of evaluating the laws in the U.S.. However, there was a lot I did not know. For example, I always thought it had to consist of nine justices, but that is not true. They have changed this number various times throughout history.

I think a very important take-away from the Supreme Court is the parties that make it up, especially if your party is not president. Wether you are a Republican or a Democrat it is very important what party makes up the Supreme Court. What surprised me was how they do not have to have a law degree. Most of them do, but it is not a requirement. I would have thought that this would definitely be required. 

After reading this article I learned a lot about what the Supreme Court is and got a better understanding of what they do. They are very powerful, especially due to the fact they have power over the Executive and Legislative branches. This helps to ensure that everything is running properly. 

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