Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Final Blog Post

 Relationships Within Technology

Technology has revolutionized the way we live, work, and interact with one another. However, there are both positive and negative effects. In my personal relationship with technology, I believe that it is mostly healthy, but I do have to pay attention and manage the amount of time I spend online. It's easy to get lost in the never ending stream of information and entertainment, so I make sure to set boundaries for myself and take regular breaks from screens. I notice how much I miss out on and how lazy I can tend to be when I am looking at my phone or computer for too long. 

Regarding the reliability of information, I think that technology has made it both easier and harder to discern what is true and accurate. On the one hand, we have access to an incredible amount of information and diverse perspectives. On the other hand, misinformation and fake news can spread rapidly and be difficult to distinguish from credible sources. It's important to be critical and discerning in evaluating information and to fact check whenever possible. It is also very important to check if the source is reliable beforehand.

In terms of my friends and family, I think that technology has both positive and negative effects. On the positive side, it has made it easier to stay connected with loved ones who live far away or to maintain relationships over distance. However, it can also be a source of distraction or conflict. This is when technology is used excessively or inappropriately. For example, when I am with family in person and I go onto my phone it can be very distracting and I do not pay attention to them. It's important to be mindful of how technology affects our relationships and to have open communication about boundaries and expectations.

As for my online footprint, I have tried to be conscious of what information is available about me online and have taken steps to limit access to personal information. For example, when posting on social media I always think about whether I would be okay with certain people seeing what I post. However, I recognize that there is still a lot of information out there that I cannot control. I think it's important to be aware of what information is public and to consider how it might be perceived by others. For example, potential employers or professional contacts. 

Overall, I think that technology has brought many benefits to our lives. Althgouh, it also comes with potential risks and drawbacks. It is important to be mindful of these factors and to actively manage our relationship with technology to ensure that it is more of a positive thing rather than negative and detracts us from our well being and relationships. It can tend to be hard to do this but it really can change your life.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

EOTO #2 - Transhumanism

Transhumanism Within AI

Transhumanism is the theory that science and technology can help human beings develop beyond what is physically and mentally possible at the present time. It is a philosophical and intellectual movement and it advocates the use of advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence, also known as AI. Transhumanism within AI can create a future where humans and machines coexist and interact in unprecedented ways. This can help to revolutionize various aspects of society, including healthcare, ethics, and education. However, the implications of transhumanism within AI are complex and can be very negative. Their effects are impacting the entire human species.

Transhumanism has greatly affected healthcare. The integration of AIinto medical systems has the potential to transform how diseases are diagnosed, treated, and prevented. AI can analyze a huge amount of data, such as electronic health records, genetic information, and medical literature, to identify patterns and make accurate predictions. This can aid in early detection of diseases, personalized treatment plans, and even the development of new drugs. This will greatly impact millions of people all over the world.

Transhumanism also has the potential to impact education and the workforce. As AI continues to advance, it could take away thousands of jobs. AI could also create new job opportunities in certain fields. Education systems may need to adapt to provide individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in an AI enhanced world, including critical thinking, creativity, and emotional intelligence.

Transhumanism within AI also has ethical implications. There are many concerns about the loss of privacy, as humans may become vulnerable to surveillance.

Transhumanism within AI not only impacts individuals, but also communities and the entire human species. It has the potential to create global divides, where countries or communities with access to advanced AI technologies may have a competitive advantage over those without. The potential for AI to enhance human capabilities, extend lifespans, and even achieve immortality raises questions about the sustainability and long-term consequences for the planet, resources, and social systems.

Overall, transhumanism within AI has far reaching implications that impact individuals, communities, and the entire human species. It has the potential to transform healthcare, raise ethical concerns, disrupt education and the workforce, and create global divides.

Friday, April 14, 2023

Blog #8

 How the Phonograph Caught On; The Diffusion Theory

Throughout the Diffusion Theory, we can see how the phonograph spread throughout society in the late 1800's and early 1900's. the phonograph was invented by Thomas Edison in 1877, but it was not an immediate success. It took time for his invention to gain acceptance by the people and become widely adopted. 

The first people to adopt the phonograph were known as the pioneers. This was Thomas Edison and those who helped and/or supported him and his ideas. He was willing to take a risk and spend a great amount of his time experimenting on this. the phonograph started to spread because people how greatly it could be a benefit towards them by listening to music whenever and wherever they wanted. At the time so many people became early adopters to this because of how convenient it was for them. 

As the phonograph gained more attention and exposure, it began to attract the early adopters. These types of people are often opinion leaders within their social groups and are willing to try new inventions before they become mainstream. These people also probably found it convenient and interesting that they could have the option of listening to music that was not live. These people likely saw the potential of the phonograph for entertainment and communication. They helped to spread awareness of the technology to others. 

As the technology continued to gain acceptance, it reached the early majority stage of the Diffusion Theory. This group is typically more conservative than early adopters and not as willing to try out new inventions, but are still willing to try new inventions if they see a great benefit. The early majority likely saw the phonograph as a convenient and enjoyable way to listen to music and other audio recordings as they continued to influence others to purchase it.

The late majority are even more conservative than the early majority and are often not as willing to try new inventions. However, as the phonograph became more popular, widely used, available, and affordable it became more appealing to them. The late majority saw the benefits of the phonograph and began to also use it as a form of entertainment and communication. 

Finally, the laggards are the last group to adopt new inventions. They are often very resistant to change and may not see the value of these ideas until they become widely accepted. Laggards were the last to adopt the phonograph. This could have been due to the fact that they could not financially afford it and had to wait for it to become more affordable, they could have preferred to only listen to music live, or the fact the the majority of the people they knew using the phonograph caused them to consider it. Those who did not purchase it at the time could have also gone to a family or friends house who owned one and used theirs.

Overall, the Diffusion Theory can help to explain how the phonograph spread through society. Starting at its early adoption by the pioneers and early adaptors to its eventual acceptance by the late majority and laggards. This theory shows how different groups of individuals adopt new inventions at different stages, and how these inventions become more widely accepted overtime. There are different reasons for why each invention takes a different amount of time to widely spread. 


EOTO Reaction 

Throughout listening to the presentations I learned a lot. In the first presentation they started off talking about emojis. I learned that they have been a thing since the 1800’s which really surprised me because I thought they only became a thing since the iPhone came out. He talked about how emojis could be their own language which I found very interesting. 

The next thing the first presentation talked about was the internet and how the first one was called Arpanget in 1969.
They then moved on to talk about twitter and I learned how they invented gif. They explained the pros and cons of twitter. It is a great platform to get breaking news and information but can greatly affect one's mental health due to how much cyber bullying goes on.

I also learned a lot about video game history. He talked about the first few games and how the gaming industry crashed which I was never aware of happening. I know how bad the violence in gaming can be but I learned that there was a hearing about it. I learned how gaming spread to social media like angry birds. I found out that Sony makes Playstation 4 and Microsoft released Xbox one in 2013 which is very interesting because I hear a lot about both of these. 

Lastly, from this presentation I learned a lot about the disc phonograph. It was invented by Emil Berliner in 1887. It was an innovation of Thomas Edison's cylinders model which was invented in 1887. They explained how you can play it in different places, brought physical media into homes, and there was a cheap duplicate without losing sound quality. Although there are those great things, it was outmatched by the radio by the public, was expensive when it came out to market, and only compatible with Edison disc. 

In the second presentation they started talking about FaceBook. It was founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerburg. I learned that it was originally made for Harvard students and became public in 2012. It is great for real time communication with friends and family but there are a lot of concerns with privacy and data security. 

They also talked about the radio and how it was invented by Gugliemo Marconi in 1901. He won a nobel prize for it and it is still used a lot today. It impacted the world for communication and is a great form of entertainment.

Next, they spoke about the invention of the pencil. Nicholas Jacques Conte invented the modern pencil in 1795. The word pencil comes from the latin word for tail. I also learned how the first pencil company was called banks son and co. The pencil created better and cheaper alternatives for writing and changed the way people communicate. I thought it was interesting how before erasers, people would break up bread crumbs to erase pencil marks. Although the pencil created a lot of positive outcomes, it has a negative environmental impact. It causes many trees to be cut down every year in order to make them. 

The next presentation started off by talking about the telegraph. It was created by William Crooke and Charles Wheatstone. They used 5 magnetic needles. It was used towards British railroad signaling. Samuel Morse, Leonard Gale, and Alfred Vail created the single circuit which was the most famous telegraph and used for morse code. This helped create faster communication. The telephone, radio, television, and internet replaced this.  
They then talked about cassette tapes. They were invented in 1962 in Hasselt, Belgium. This was intended to be invented for recording audio. The first model could record for 60 minutes, 30 each side. They explained how sometimes it would mess up and not record everything. 

They then explained how Netflix was founded in 1997 and was originally branded as a DVD rental service. It has more than 220 million global streaming memberships and is the most nominated studio at the Emmys and the Academy Awards.

Lastly, this group talked about Apple's first iPod. It was invented on October 23 of 2001 by Steve Jobs. It could play 1000 songs and held 5gb of storage. I learned that Apple made about $264 million in revenue from the iPod and Apple just discontinued it in May of 2022.

Finally, the last group started off by talking about the television. I learned about how the first television was demonstrated in San Francisco on September 7th of 1927 by the inventor Taylor Farnsworth. In 1947 the television was placed in homes numbered in the thousands. 50 million dollars was invested in the development of the electronic television before 1939 which I found very interesting. 

They also talked about the telephone. They explained how it paved the way for the internet and cellular phone. 

They moved on to talk about the smartphone. They explained how prior to the iPhone, in 2007, there were various types of smartphones before it. Mobile phones were used for making calls and sending text messages but it was clear that phones could do more. The iPhone changed everything and was first launched on June 29th of 2007. It was the first smartphone to have a large, high resolution touch screen. Although it was a great invention it had multiple negative effects. For example, addiction, privacy concerns, could be hard to fall asleep when next to you, cyber bullying, etc.

Lastly, they spoke about the first personal computer. I learned how in 1977 the PC (personal computer) industry was started. PC’s have evolved a lot and are now used for a lot of various things. Along with all these great things, the PC did have negative effects. Some of these being, how the price has gone up over the years, it has caused people eyestrain from the screen (due to blue light), it has caused a decrease in physical activity, and an increase in cyberbullying.

Overall, all of these presentations were very captivating and I learned a lot. I found it very cool how I knew of everything being presented beforehand and still learned something new about each topic. I was very engaged in every presentation and I think everyone did an outstanding job at explaining the information on their topic.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Blog Post #10

 AI and Machine Learning Takeaways

Positive aspects of more complex artificial intelligence and machine learning can improve accuracy and efficiency. Ai and machine learning models are becoming more complex. As they continue to do so, they can better identify things and make more accurate predictions. AI models can analyze large amounts of information and make more informed decisions. Which I view as a good and bad thing. In the video, they talked about how AI can learn routines. This can be used in many different fields such as medicine, where AI can help doctors to make decisions towards patients like diagnoses and treatment plans. I think when it is used like this, it is a good thing and think it is very beneficial. 

AI can increase security by helping to identify and prevent security breaches, which can help protect personal data. Although this is important there are also privacy concerns. AS AI and machine learning models become more complex, they require more data to be effective. By AI knowing this data, it can lead to concerns about the privacy of personal data. In the video, Alastair Mactaggart talked about privacy in the paper and how he realized how much people could find out about him, especially the amount of private information.

Regarding national security, AI and machine learning can help to come up with tasks and help to improve decision making, which can lead to increased efficiency in national security operations. Although, AI can be vulnerable to cyber attacks, which can compromise national security. In the video they talked about how it can affect political leverage and how China uses surveillance systems. They explained how dangerous this can end up being and how the world could split into two sides, "China's tech and Americas tech". I think due to all of this our world is not moving toward a good place. 

Regarding online security and identity theft, AI can help prevent security breaches and protect personal data. Although, there is sometimes a lack of transparency causing AI to be difficult to understand, which can lead to concerns about accountability and transparency in online security operations. In the video Soshana Zuboff talked about how "we think we are searching google, but google is searching us.". Even things like social media are taking so much data and personal information from us. I view this as a very scary and overstepping to much into our privacy. 

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Key Post on The U.S. Postal Service

 The U.S. Postal Service

The U.S. postal Service was established in 1775. It has played a vital role in the communication and commerce of the country. It is an independent agency of the federal government of the U.S. and is responsible for providing postal services like mail and package delivery in the U.S.. The U.S. is one of the largest employers in the U.S. by delivering mail and packages to millions of people every day. It also provides other services such as money orders, passport applications, and shipping supplies.

The U.S. Postal Service helps to connect people all across the U.S. by delivering mail and packages. They help individuals, businesses, and organizations by providing a way to send and receive letters, bills, and other important documents. The U.S. Postal Service is a significant employer in the U.S. by providing hundred thousands of people a job. They also provide affordable shipping to businesses to help expand their customer base. The U.S. Postal Service provides money orders, passport applications, voter registration forms, and delivering absentee ballots during elections

The U.S. Postal Service also has a significant role in international mail and package delivery. It works with other postal services around the world to ensure that mail and packages are delivered as quickly as possible and as efficient across boarders. It is a very important part of the global economy as it allows businesses to connect with customers and suppliers around the world. 

In addition to improving communication, the U.S. postal Service has a crucial role in helping to improve the environment. The U.S. Postal Service has also implemented many initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint and help to promote sustainability. They have committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2025 and has started to use alternative fuel vehicles and renewable energy sources. They have also launched recycling programs and they encourage customers to use digital communication to reduce paper waste. 

Blog Post #6

 AntiWar Voices

The issue of war and military operations is very complex. The government may argue that these actions are necessary to protect national security and uphold American values, there are many people who disagree with this. This is greatly reflected on both the websites and The American Conservative. They are both dedicated to providing antiwar perspectives and analysis. It is very striking that both of these websites use strong voices of criticism. This is very different from mainstream media. These websites are not all pro government or pro military perspective. These voices are rarely heard heard in mainstream media for many different reasons, one could be how  news networks are owned by large corporations that also have ties to the military industry. Therefore, they avoid challenging the governments military actions. The media may also be influenced by government officials who seek to control certain narratives and shape the public opinion. This can cause people to think a certain way with them being in control of their opinion. Anti war voices can also be viewed as "unAmerican" which is looked down upon in a society where patriotism is very important. 

It is very important that websites like and The American Conservative provide this type of information and provide a platform for people to speak out freely about these types of things. Antiwar voices often tend to argue that there are alternative approaches to resolving conflicts and addressing security concerns. By promoting this anti war voices are questioning the efficacy of military action and offering constructive solutions to the problems we face which people tend to view as a negative thing. 

The absence for antiwar voices in mainstream media is a big cause for concern. It is very important that we have all different types of perspectives on war and military actions. These websites allow us to get valuable insights into complex issues surrounding war and military action. It is very important that we also get these types of narratives on important issues. 

Blog Post #5


The phonograph, also called record player, instrument for reproducing sounds by means of the vibration of a stylus, or needle, following a groove on a rotating disc. The phonograph was invented in 1877 by Thomas Edison at the Menlo Park. He was trying to solve the problem of recording and playing back sounds. His inspiration for all of this came from when he was working on his telegraph machine. During this experiment he had noticed that the movement of a telegraph paper tape created a sound that could be heard when played back. This made him realize that this could be applied to play other sounds back as well. In his initial invention of the phonograph he experimented with a devise using a tinfoil cylinder. There was also a stylus that traced grooves into the cylinder, and this was used to record and play back the sound. He later created this devise using a wax cylinder which became the basis for the phonograph and he continued to improve this device and made it more durable. This was also one of Edisons favorite inventions, as it referred to it as his "baby" and became a huge impact on the entertainment industry. 

The phonograph made a huge change and impact on the world. It changed the way that people communicate, consume entertainment, and preserve history. Before the phonograph the only way people could listen to music was live. At the time, recording and reproducing was not possible. The phonograph made it possible for people to enjoy music anywhere and at any time, for example they could listen at home. This made it very convenient because instead of having to go out of their house to listen to it live they could just listen to music where they were. This made listening to music much more accessible. It also allowed people to play back messages, making it possible to communicate with people over distance without the need of a telegraph or other forms of communication. This device completely changed the way people, businesses, and organizations could communicate with one another. This machine also had a huge impact on reserving history. It allowed for speeches to be recorded along with other important events in history and cultural traditions. Although the phonograph did have many positive effects and change the world for the better, it did have a few negative effects. It lead to concern for the youth and what they could listen to. It also lead to a decline of live music performances. It also was and expensive technology at the time making it listed to certain people that could afford it. The phonograph set the foundation for music and created a new era of technological advances.

Overall, the phonograph was a complete game changer and revolutionized the way we listen to music, communicate, and preserve history. It lead to further technological advances that is used all over the world. It had a lasting impact on the entertainment industry and continues to shape the way we enjoy and listen to music today. It helped create genres and different styles of music. The phonograph has completely changed the world. It will forever be remembered as a game changing invention that changed the world in many ways that are still in great effect today. 

Blog Post #4

The Important Eight values of Free Expression

Individual Self-Fulfillment, or Self-Actualization, resonates the most with me. This is because free speech is a fundamental right that allows me to express myself freely. Without this my entire life would be so different. Due to this I have been able to express my thoughts, beliefs, and values openly, causing me to articulate my own identity. I can communicate my own views, values, and interests. All of this has helped me to become my own person and find my own interests. This has also allowed me to make true friendships with others and find kindred spirits. I can identify with others who have the same beliefs, values, and interests. I have also been able to make my own choices about how I want to live my life. I have been able to make my own choices and actions. Freedom of speech has been essential to upholding my human dignity, as I have always been able to express myself without fear of censorship.

Promote Innovation feels the most important. A community that values and protects free speech is likely to be a more vibrant and dynamic society. When people are free to express themselves without fear of censorship or repression, they can actively fulfill themselves in diverse and interesting ways. In a society that values free speech, individuals can share their thoughts, ideas, and experiences openly. This helps to cause creativity and innovation, as people are encouraged to think outside the box and share their unique perspectives. This can lead to the development of new ideas and breakthroughs in science, technology, art, and other fields. All of this is very beneficial. Especially because this can lead to greater informed decision making. When people are free to express their own opinions and concerns and hold leaders accountable it can help to work towards a better society. This is also great because people can openly talk about their views and this can help people to learn to understand and appreciate others perspectives. A community that values and protects free speech is likely to be a more energized, creative, and interesting society and helps to cause creativity, innovation, civic engagement, and tolerance, all of which contribute to a more vibrant and dynamic society which is all very beneficial. 

Stable Change, or Safety Valve, feels the most personal to me. This is because this causes people to express their frustrations and grievances through free speech. This helps to provide a non violent outlet for people to express their emotions. My friends and I do this a lot, it is a great way to communicate. This also benefits the government to better monitor potentially dangerous groups who could end up acting more violent. This helps to keep not only myself but many others safe. By allowing individuals to express their opinions and concerns openly, the government can gain insight into the mood of the population. This can help them to take proactive measures to address them. It is in the government's own self-interest to allow such venting. This can help to build trust with the population. While there are limits to free speech, the government's commitment to allowing this venting can demonstrate its respect for individual rights.     

I see Protect Dissent in action today. This is all over the world through the widespread protests and demonstrations that occur. These protests consist of individuals expressing their opinions and grievances through free speech. This allows people to exercise their right to criticize the government and other institutions. For example, the First Amendment Protects the right to free speech, including the right to express unpopular or minority views. This has led to a thriving culture of political and social dissent, with individuals and groups speaking out against government policies and advocating for change. Many organizations today use social media and other online platforms to express their views and to help support causes. We can see how much this has enabled people to connect with one another who share the same views. 

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

The Supreme Court


Throughout reading the article, "Supreme Court", I learned a lot more about the Supreme Court that I did not know before. I had a good understanding of the Supreme Court and what it is but this article helped me to get an even better understanding of it and learn things I did not know before. 

The Supreme Court of the United States is the head of the Judicial branch in the U.S. government and is also known as SCOTUS. I also have already known that they have the responsibility of evaluating the laws in the U.S.. However, there was a lot I did not know. For example, I always thought it had to consist of nine justices, but that is not true. They have changed this number various times throughout history.

I think a very important take-away from the Supreme Court is the parties that make it up, especially if your party is not president. Wether you are a Republican or a Democrat it is very important what party makes up the Supreme Court. What surprised me was how they do not have to have a law degree. Most of them do, but it is not a requirement. I would have thought that this would definitely be required. 

After reading this article I learned a lot about what the Supreme Court is and got a better understanding of what they do. They are very powerful, especially due to the fact they have power over the Executive and Legislative branches. This helps to ensure that everything is running properly. 

Invasion of Privacy Ted Talks

It is currently a huge struggle to keep our online privacy through the internet and digital technology. It is very well known now how difficult it tends to be to maintain this privacy. These TED Talks highlight how difficult it is in today's world to maintain privacy within the digital world and the possible outcomes.

In the first Ted Talk, "Your Online Life Permanent as a Tattoo", researcher Juan Enriquez talked a lot about the permanence of our digital footprint and the potential consequences of this data. He expressed how all of this data that is taken is being used against us. Juan believes that governments and corporations should be held accountable for this. The next Ted Tok,  "The Small and Surprisingly Dangerous Detail the Police Track About You", Catherine Crump expresses how with even insignificant data, anything can be useful, especially for police. She talked about how dangerous this can be. This can be very dangerous and we need stronger privacy regulations. In the third Ted Talk, "How to Avoid Surveillance with the Phone in Your Pocket", Christopher Soghoian talked about our data being used by third parties. He gave solutions to this by explaining the importance of using privacy-enhancing tools. Lastly, in the Ted Talk,  "How Revenge Porn Turns Lives Upside Down", Darieth Chisolm talks about being a victim of revenge porn and how it impacted her life. She talks a lot about how she wants to help other victims and argues how our civil rights are at stake. 

The issues discussed in any of these Ted Talks could easily happen to anyone. It is very difficult to avoid some of these things. For example, my instagram has been hacked and my phone number has been sold causing me to get random calls and texts. It is very important to be cautious of what we post. I know two people that were refused jobs because of things they have posted on social media.  

I believe the government should be doing a lot more to help protect people from as much of this as possible. There should be more rules set in place to help avoid these situations. People need to be taken accountable and punished for doing this to people. The government can only do so much and it is also our job to be cautious with what we are doing. Making your accounts private and only posting things you know would not get you in trouble is also very important. Making sure you change your passwords frequently is also a smart idea. Informing people on what is going on and how to prevent this is also an important step to help resolve these issues.